
Wichita State University

1845 Fairmount 
Wichita KS 67260 

(316) 978-3456

Associate Bachelor Certificate Doctor Master

Area, ethnic, cultural, and gender studies

Ethnic, Cultural Minority, and Gender Studies, Other
- Yes - - -
Women's Studies
- Yes - - -

Biological and biomedical sciences

Biology/Biological Sciences, General
- Yes - - Yes

Business, management, marketing, and related support services

- Yes - - Yes
Business Administration and Management, General
- Yes - - Yes
Entrepreneurship/Entrepreneurial Studies
- Yes - - -
Finance, General
- Yes - - -
Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General
- Yes - - -
International Business/Trade/Commerce
- Yes - - -
Management Information Systems, General
- Yes - - -
Marketing/Marketing Management, General
- Yes - - -

Communication, journalism, and related programs

Communication Studies/Speech Communication and Rhetoric
- Yes - - -
Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other
- - - - Yes

Computer and information sciences and support services

Computer and Information Sciences, General
- Yes - - Yes


Art Teacher Education
- Yes - - Yes
Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services
- - - - Yes
Curriculum and Instruction
- - Yes - Yes
Educational Leadership and Administration, General
- - - Yes Yes
Elementary Education and Teaching
- Yes - - -
Music Teacher Education
- Yes - - Yes
Physical Education Teaching and Coaching
- Yes Yes - Yes
Secondary Education and Teaching
- Yes - - -
Special Education and Teaching, General
- - - - Yes


Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
- Yes - Yes Yes
Computer Engineering, General
- Yes - - -
Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
- Yes - Yes Yes
Industrial Engineering
- Yes Yes Yes Yes
Manufacturing Engineering
- Yes - - -
Mechanical Engineering
- Yes - Yes Yes

Engineering technologies/technicians

Electrical/Electronic/Communications Engr Technology/Technician
Yes - - - -
Engineering/Industrial Management
- - - - Yes
Industrial Technology/Technician
- Yes - - -

English language and literature/letters

Creative Writing
- - - - Yes
English Language and Literature, General
- Yes - - Yes

Foreign languages, literatures, and linguistics

Foreign Languages and Literatures, General
- Yes - - -
Spanish Language and Literature
- - - - Yes

Health professions and related clinical sciences

Athletic Training/Trainer
- Yes - - -
Audiology/Audiologist and Speech-Language Pathology/Pathologist
- - - Yes -
Clinical Laboratory Science/Medical Technology/Technologist
- Yes - - -
Communication Disorders, General
- Yes - - Yes
Dental Hygiene/Hygienist
Yes Yes - - -
Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic)
Yes - - - -
Health/Health Care Administration/Management
- Yes - - -
Nursing Science (MS, PhD)
- Yes Yes - Yes
Physical Therapist Assistant
Yes - - - -
Physical Therapy/Therapist
- - - Yes Yes
Physician Assistant
- Yes - - Yes
Public Health, General (MPH, DPH)
- - Yes - Yes


History, General
- Yes - - Yes

Legal professions and studies

Legal Assistant/Paralegal
Yes - - - -

Liberal arts and sciences, general studies and humanities

General Studies
- Yes - - -
Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies
Yes Yes - - Yes

Mathematics and statistics

Mathematics, General
- Yes - Yes Yes

Multi/interdisciplinary studies

- Yes - - Yes
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
- Yes - - -

Natural resources and conservation

Natural Resources Management and Policy
- - - - Yes

Parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies

Kinesiology and Exercise Science
- Yes - - Yes
Sport and Fitness Administration/Management
- Yes - - Yes

Philosophy and religious studies

- Yes - - -

Physical sciences

Chemistry, General
- Yes - Yes Yes
Geology/Earth Science, General
- Yes - - Yes
Physics, General
- Yes - - Yes


Educational Psychology
- - - - Yes
Psychology, General
- Yes - Yes Yes
School Psychology
- - Yes - -

Public administration and social service professions

Public Administration
- - Yes - Yes
Social Work
- Yes - - Yes

Security and protective services

Criminal Justice/Safety Studies
- Yes - - Yes
Forensic Science and Technology
- Yes - - -

Social sciences

- Yes - - Yes
Economics, General
- Yes - - Yes
Political Science and Government, General
- Yes - - Yes
- Yes - - Yes

Visual and performing arts

Art History, Criticism and Conservation
- Yes - - -
Art/Art Studies, General
- Yes - - Yes
Commercial and Advertising Art
- Yes - - -
Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts, General
- Yes - - -
Music, General
- Yes - - Yes
Visual and Performing Arts, General
- Yes - - -
Visual and Performing Arts, Other
- Yes - - -

Sources: Google Maps, The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Wikipedia, Yahoo! Answers
